Traxxas revo 3.3 electric conversion kit
Traxxas revo 3.3 electric conversion kit

traxxas revo 3.3 electric conversion kit traxxas revo 3.3 electric conversion kit

I just used the Traxxas conversion 5360x,Its not the best kit so Ive heard but it was pretty easy to get everything put together and it is made for the Revo in specific with every nut and bolt required and you can call tech support if you had any issuesI have talked to Larry in the past and he is very knowledgeable and patient.The Force and Hyper engines will require more "fabrication" and you may have to use a starter box.the O.S. 30 for off road cars but are more money.If you are Going to use the Traxxas 5360x BBC ready carefully before you choose your engine or call Larry Traxxas and ask him what motor would be easiest to use.On another note.I hopefully will post some pics later of the Revo I finally got it worked out,The People at OFNA had no problem sending me parts at no cost to get me going. O.S Engines are very reliable and easy to tune and go all the way up to a. 18TZ that is a direct drop in for the Revo and you dont have to get a BBC Kit. 21 or Ofna Force or Hyper's are great motors even better if you can spring the extra cash get an O.S. 28,great motor but has a 3 needle carb and is a to tune.If your going to bash I would go either the Picco. 26 max is JUNK,they took way too much meat away from the block to save space and its hard to tune and runs hot.I have an Axial. Well to be quite honest,I have been talking to someone at OFNA quite frequently,His words,the Picco.

Traxxas revo 3.3 electric conversion kit